Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) system Performance Test:
- Receiving the trust of CTCI Corporation, Chugai Technos performed the performance testing of a seawater flue gas desulfurization (SWFGD) system for unit 1 and unit 2 with the following items:
- Measurement and analysis of exhaust gas at FGD inlet, bypass and stack.;
- Analysis of sea water quality at the sea water treatment plant inlet and oulet;
- The monitoring equipment system complies with Japan’s JIS standards, meeting the characteristics of the sampling location (horizontal duct, depth of 5m at the inlet of the FGD system);
- Measurement and analysis parameters:
- Exhaust gas: temperature, pressure, velocity, flow rate, moisture content, gas composition (O2, CO2, and N2), SO2 concentration; dust concentration.
- Seawater: pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, COD-KMnO4, alkalinity, sulfate.
- Report content:
- The basic exhaust gas parameters (including: temperature, pressure, velocity, flow rate, moisture content, gas composition);
- SO2 concentration;
- Dust concentration;
- Desulfurization efficiency;
- SO2 concentration distribution; dust concentration;
- Sea water analysis results;
- Chugai Technos team of engineers performed the work in night operating conditions according to the operating schedule of Van Phong 1 Thermal Power Plant with difficult working conditions. Accompanying experienced engineers who are leading Japanese industry experts and Indian engineers, Chugai Technos has made good use of its resource advantages to work with customers to build the most optimal solution, meet the actual situation, contributing significantly to bringing the project to completion on time.

Monitoring moisture content

SO2 sampling at the stack

SO2 sampling at FGD inlet

SO2 sample collection

Monitoring temperature and pressure of exhaust gas

Dust sampling

Dust sample collection

Equipment is neatly gathered after project completion