Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) system Performance Test:
- Receiving the trust of National Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering (Main Contractor), Chugai Technos performed the performance testing of a seawater desulfurization system with the following items:
- Analysis of exhaust gas quality at the FGD System;
- Analysis of coal quality at Coal Feeder inlet;
- Analysis of sea water quality at the sea water treatment plant;
- Monitoring equipment system complies with JIS standards, meeting the characteristics of the sampling location (horizontal duct, depth of 6 – 8m at the inlet and outlet of the FGD system);
- Monitoring parameters: Temperature, pressure, velovity, flow rate, moisture content, gas composition (O2, CO2 and N2), SO2 concentration; continuous monitoring of SO2-O2 by gas analyzer.
- Report content:
- The basic exhaust gas parameters;
- SO2-O2 concentration;Distribution
- Desulfurization efficiency;
- SO2 concentration distribution;
- Sea water analysis results;
- Coal analysis results;
- Detailed results of continuous measurement of SO2-O2.
- Chugai Technos engineering team carried out the project under challenging nighttime operating conditions, aligning with the operational schedule of Vinh Tan 4 Extension Thermal Power Plant. With the support of highly experienced Japanese experts, Chugai Technos effectively utilized available resources to collaboratively develop the most optimal plan, meeting actual conditions and ensuring the successful completion of the project on schedule.